Jun 18, 2020 eharmony was founded by Christian theologian, seminary professor, and clinical psychologist Dr. Neil Clark Warren, so the online dating site really does know how to cater to single Christian men and women. This dating platform uses a 32-dimension personality test to identify true compatibility between two people. Once you find someone on Christian Mingle that you want to get to know better, you must upgrade to its premium membership, which is $49.99 per month. Christian Mingle offers discounts on.

Got a mullet, want to date someone with a mullet or both? No one will judge your funky 'do on MulletPassions.com.

Vampire Haven

With the 'Twilight' craze upon us, there's no denying that there are (real?) vampires out there. They find each other on VampireSocial.com.

Salad Clones

Ever wonder who your salad twin is? On SaladMatch.com, you can discover your salad soulmate - as in the person who puts the same ingredients in his or her salad as you.

iPhone Selective

A survey found that 83 percent of iPhone users would rather be romantic with fellow iPhone users. Some congregate on Cupidtino.com, a dating site for Apple lovers.

Amish Match

Who knew the Amish had high-speed Internet connection? They must since they're using Amish-Online-Dating.com to find spouses.

Inmate Love

George Costanza was onto something on that 'Seinfeld' episode. He's not the only one who would date a woman in the slammer. Enter, WomenBehindBars.com.

Sexless Dating

Although many will argue one of the points of dating is to find someone for love-making, on 2Date4Love.com, it's the opposite. The new dating site was started by a woman who suffers from cervical cancer and seeks to match people who can't have sex.

Farmers Only

Farmers, ranchers, agriculture students and livestock owners can meet on FarmersOnly.com, a social network that has made at least 100 (farmer) marriages possible.

Go Green

Make every day Earth day on GreenSingles.com, a dating site for the eco-friendly.

Genetic Match-Ups

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Like a plot for a science fiction movie, ScientificMatch.com helps users locate their soulmates through genetic and chemical means.

Trekkies Unite

TrekPassions.com seeks to pair up lovers of 'Star Trek,' 'Star Wars' and other sci-fi stuff. Just beware of a Star Trek versus Star Wars debate.

Pretty People Only

Only 20 percent of applicants are accepted into BeautifulPeople.com. Geez.

For Furries

If you don't know what a 'furry' is, you should probably look it up elsewhere (warning: it's not very PG). Pounced.org is where some of them meet.


Gamers who play World of Warcraft and more log onto Datecraft.com.

Hipster Dating

If you've got dark-rimmed glasses, are anti-establishment and have great taste in music, IndieDating.com is for you, hipster. Top christian dating site

Horse Lovers

Like horses, ride horses, have a horse? EquestrianCupid.com is a dating site for horse lovers and equestrian singles.

Geek Out

Find your 'geek match' on GK2GK.com (Geek 2 Geek), where members are not afraid to admit just how nerdy they really are.

If you like British accents

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Socialize with Brits across the pond or expats right next door on ILoveYourAccent.com.
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I think they’re fun. I think they’re a great way to connect with people who are outside of your community. They’re probably better than straight dating sites in the sense that you can meet people who don’t know who you are. They’re good for some people because you can connect with people that would have been difficult to meet in straight dating. It’s a little risky to be in these spaces because people can choose to engage in inappropriate behavior.
It would be like going to a party, and somebody comes up to you and starts trying to hit on you. You know you’re straight, but it’s easier for people to make that connection with you. So if you just go to a straight place and you meet people there, then the guy hits on you and everything happens from there.
So I think gay dating sites are better for that, but at the same time, if I wanted to meet people on my own, then I could go to gay bars and meet people there. People can go in, and hook up, or they can chat. I don’t think gay dating sites are great for the people who are really looking for love.
I think gay dating apps are a way to get people to think about sex.
I think most gay dating apps are looking for sex. That’s how it works. If I’m going to go online to meet someone, I’m going to use an app that looks kind of sleazy, like Grindr, to look for sex.

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