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If you’re reading this article, I’m guessing you have a beautiful and alluring married woman in your sights. Just because she’s married doesn’t mean she’s out of bounds, especially if she indicates any kind of playful reciprocation to your flirtatious gestures.

Do you want to learn how to seduce her? Then, you’re in the right place.

In this article, I’ll share my on:

  • How to seduce a married woman with ease
  • How to seduce a married woman by text message

#1 Be fun to be around

Women stuck in a mundane and uneventful marriage crave fun and excitement, and, trust me, they are ready to risk a lot just to feel the fire inside burning again.

Showing a married woman how fun life can be is a great tactic to grab and, possibly, hold her attention. It’s quite unlikely for any woman to resist a man who can make the butterflies in her stomach go wild!

So, your first step should be to:

  • make her laugh like no one before
  • always stay positive
  • get her to feel special and wanted
  • give her a taste of what fires up your engines
  • show her a whole new world

Give her something that will make it impossible to get you out of her head. Make her want more and more – every woman will appreciate it!

#2 Shower her with compliments

Every woman loves compliments. It doesn’t matter whether it is a married vixen or a young girl still trying to figure out this whole love thing. Compliments reassure her that you not only love her but also have genuine reasons to do so.

It could be physical things like her hair and her style. Maybe it is the intangible, like her intelligence and work ethic. Whatever it is, make sure she knows she’s a beautiful woman – inside and out.

However, complimenting, like seduction, is an art and is not just about spewing out flattery. A committed woman is usually more experienced and much wiser and will see right through your empty compliments.

To make sure that you get through to her, here are a few compliment-giving tips:

  • Dish them out regularly…
  • … just don’t repeat yourself and let it get monotonous
  • Compliment the little things that only someone paying attention would notice.
  • Go into details when giving compliments as it seems more genuine.
  • Compliment her both in public and when you are alone.

#3 Up your flirting game to seduce a married woman

Flirting can easily be the most powerful weapon in your arsenal if you want to seduce a married woman. That’s also one of the best ways to get her in the sack.

On the one hand, it will help you woo a married lady by making her feel beautiful, special, and wanted. And if she is unhappy in her marriage, this is something that she is desperately craving.

Flirting is also a great way to find out if she is interested without putting too much on the line.

So, how exactly do you start seducing a married woman? How do you flirt? What do you even say?

Here are a few talking points that will give her butterflies:

  • Compliment her on her body and beauty in general.
  • Find subtle ways to touch her.
  • Always keep eye contact.
  • Create inside jokes to make her laugh.
  • Keep it short and leave her wanting more.

PS! If you want to meet and flirt with married women online, try a site like Ashley Madison (check out the cheating sites reviews first on DatingInspector).

#4 Engage in healthy conversations and listen to her

Married women often feel unheard! Juggling between their professional and personal lives, taking care of the kids and household while, at the same time, trying to be loving wives can be a huge burden.
Why don’t you be her confidant, someone she can trust and share her thoughts with?

When she wants to discuss her marriage or her kids, hear her out, even if that’s not your favorite topic.

When she wants to get away from her everyday life, engage her in thought-provoking and meaningful conversations. Cover anything from religion and politics to music and movies and all the places on your bucket lists you want to visit one day.

Let me put it this way:

You should build up a rapport with her so that you can talk about your interests, point of view, and eventually your lives with one another. If she’s hesitant to do so, initiate things by asking her questions.

For example, you can:

What To Woman Want To Read About You On A Hookup Site
  • ask her for her opinion on a current political issue
  • ask her a philosophical question (such as “do you think coincidences exist?”)
  • start talking about your home life and then politely inquire about hers

Giving her your time and attention is a great way to seduce a girl who’s already married!

#5 Be upfront about your intentions

You are both adults, and you know what you are doing. So, why don’t you stop ignoring the elephant in the room – the fact that she is married.

Instead, be open about it and make your intentions clear. If you just want to have some fun, then let her know. If you are looking for something long-term that could lead to you two being an official couple, make sure she is aware of it.

Just take note that you must be strategic when you start to become upfront.

Right now, you’re just friends or a man and a woman exchanging friendly banter. Sure, there’s an underlying attraction between the two of you. But if you are too upfront about your intentions too early, it will scare her away.

My advice is to let things play out at their own pace. Don’t worry about taking things too fast or too slow. When the two of you seriously begin spending time together (such as taking time out of your day to meet for coffee) and sharing details about your lives with one another is when the time is right to let things escalate.

#6 Go out of your way to make her feel special

One way to have sex with a married womanis by showing her that you are the better option than what she already has. Put effort into planning dates and getting her gifts to remind her that she is special and wanted.

This goes a long way if you’re trying to seduce a woman who’s been feeling unhappy or neglected!

So, go all out with the flowers, fancy restaurants, and sentimental shows of affection. And don’t forget to dress to impress! Women love it when a man is well-groomed, well dressed, and takes care of himself.

I have two more ideas to help a married woman begin to view you sexually. The first is to use your body language. Make eye contact with her and give her your full attention when she has entered your frame.

The second, and arguably the most important, is to speak your truth. In other words, be yourself, say what you mean, and don’t worry about pleasing or impressing her. The more you try to say or do things just to impress her, the more resistant she’ll become to you.

You are the prize.

#7 Use your passion

It’s a refreshing experience in today’s society full of shallow and giddy 20-somethings when you find a man you can have a serious conversation with.

Keep in mind that a well-seasoned woman has probably found her passion in life! Now it’s time for you to get vocal about the things that get you excited.

If you are a fitness junky, own it like a boss! Love getting your hands dirty under the hood? Tell her all about it!

Women like men who are not afraid to show their passion. It’s actually one of the sexiest traits a man (and a woman) can have!

So, don’t hesitate to let her into your world. After all, playing the seduction game is a lot easier if you do it on your own turf.

#8 Focus on her as a woman and not a wife

You are probably asking yourself why you would even seduce a married girl when the world is full of single women.

Well, the answer is simple – they are women too. They want to be loved too. And many of them happen to be in miserable and loveless marriages.

If you have ever wanted to play the role of a knight in shining armor, then this might be your best shot. So choose to focus on her being just like any other woman you would like to be with, and she will appreciate it.

#9 Praise and congratulate her on her achievements

Married women are usually older and more mature gals who respond really well to approval. Whether she got promoted at work, got her business off the ground, or finished another level of education, you need to be her biggest cheerleader.

It will show her that you not only care about her looks and having fun but that you truly want the very best for her. Talk about her job, make her feel special. That will also allow you to speak about the most attractive jobs titles in online dating.

#10 Notice her efforts

While we are on this topic of gassing up your woman, it is very important to notice and appreciate her efforts. Most married women live to serve, whether it is their friends or family. And more than anything else, they want someone to acknowledge, appreciate and reciprocate these efforts.

If you are wondering how to make a woman like you and keep her interested, then the best thing to do is to be this person for her.

The next time she is late for your date because she was doing laundry or stopping by work to bring you lunch, make sure you show her your genuine gratitude.

#11 Be wise about your text and call timings

If you are having a relationship with a married woman, seducing her will involve all the steps of an ordinary courtship. This means texting back and forth, long phone calls about nothing and everything, and most importantly, going out on dates.

However, the fact that she is married and probably keeping you a secret might make this a little hard for you two in terms of timing. So find a schedule that works for both of you. It’s the only way to talk to her without getting her into trouble.

It’s probably for the better if your communication goes unnoticed (at least at the beginning). Her behavior can ruin her marriage and your relationship too.

#12 Try not to bring up her marriage

While it is important to address the whole issue about her not being fully available, it shouldn’t be the center of your world as a couple. Do not bring up her husband, her home, and her kids.

Get to know her as an individual and give her the chance to see you as a man she can love and not just as an illicit affair. Unless, of course, the latter is all the two of you are after.

#13 Cherish every moment spent together

You can do a lot more with a married woman besides have sex. Yes, sex is awesome, and you’ll remember the passionate intimacy you had with her forever.

But sex is only part of the equation. Spend authentic time together, and the sex becomes even more fun. Go on adventures together or go hiking. It could also be as simple as eating dinner together. The fact you have to keep it all discreet adds more thrill.

If you can, meet up for a weekend vacation in another city (after all, you had a really important business meeting that weekend, right?). Spend time together walking around the city, dining in at great restaurants, and experiencing the culture together.

Making a married woman fall in love with you involves ensuring that all the time you two spend together is valued. Given the circumstances, you might not meet up as long or frequently as you want.

So take photos, buy souvenirs and do whatever it takes to ensure that you make those few moments together magical and unforgettable.

Showing her how much this time together means to you will definitely earn you a lot of points with her.

#14 Be confident and take initiative

Another secret to seducing a married woman is to be confident and to be the one pursuing her. Show initiative by sending texts or getting in touch on social media, inviting her out, choosing the time and location for your dates, etc.

How to flirt with a married woman over text, doesn’t ave to be complicated. Show confidence.

Confidence is attractive because it shows that you know what you want, that you’re not afraid to go after it, and that you’re willing to do whatever it takes to get it.

Plus, she’s likely the one running her household – if she meets a guy who takes charge instead of expecting her to lead, she’ll take it as a sign you’ll take care of her and her needs.
If you always wanted to know how to get a girl, this is probably one of the easiest ways to her heart!

#15 Be nice to the kids

Now, let’s be clear. You are stepping onto dangerous and uncharted territory.

Kids can be a shortcut to a married woman’s heart or to the way out!

Mothers can be overprotective of their children, and you should respect her decision if she doesn’t want you to have anything to do with her ‘babies.’

However, assuming you ever get a chance to get to know her children, please, please, get along with those little angels.

This is particularly with married women seriously considering divorce or already separated from their primary spouses.

Such a woman is looking for a man who will help take care of her and her children – someone who will step into the role of the father for her kids. And if you prove yourself worthy in that respect, it will be a lot easier for you.

After all, it is not that difficult to find love and date after a divorce. Look for the signs that a married woman likes you.

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5 Ways to seduce a married woman with text

You can also seduce a woman with your words and not just the words you verbally speak to her. Never underestimate the fact that you can get a woman thinking about you sexually via your text messages as well (if you have her phone number, of course)!

Here are a few tips on how to seduce a married woman over text:

Be Yourself

Always speak (or text) your truth and say what you mean. Do not say only what you think she wants to hear.

Have the mindset that she is entering your frame and not the other way around.

Make It Personal

When it comes to actual sending text messages, point out unique things about her. Whether it’s the way she looks, a distinctive feature she has, an accomplishment at work she told you about, or anything.

You want her to know that you are focused on her and that she’s not just another random person you’re texting without really thinking about it.

Shower Her with Praise

Next, offer her praise where it’s deserved. You want her to feel valued. This also translates to her focusing more on you because she feels you have recognized her over the many other women she knows you have interactions with.

Show Your Funny Side

Be funny and witty. Don’t be afraid to crack jokes. Be self-deprecating to an extent, and don’t be afraid to crack a joke at her expense if it’s playful and lighthearted.

Take Charge

And finally, take charge without being forceful. Lead the conversation, but be playful and in a non-needy way. Again, she’s entering your frame. Ask questions to keep her involved and in the conversation and get a feel for when it’s okay to ask her something more personal.

When you ask to meet up one-on-one, it should be over something casual like a cup of coffee for half an hour or so. If she says no to meeting you somewhere, don’t push the issue. You’ll only push her away in doing so.

Final thoughts on picking up married women

When you find yourself attracted to a married woman, the first thing you need to know is that seducing her will be far more complicated than seducing a single woman.

For one, she may be happily married and not interested in an extra-marital affair at all.

Secondly, even if she’s unhappy in her marriage, she may not be willing to risk her whole life, her home, and her children over a casual fling.

I’m not saying this to discourage you from hitting on married women, I just want you to be prepared for the amount of patience it takes to impress them!

If anything, there’s more of a thrill to flirting with a married woman than there is with a woman who’s single. The very fact that there is an inherently higher level of risk involved makes it so.

And when you do finally get her in the bedroom, you’ll find that she’s far wilder than you could have possibly imagined.

I hope these tips will help you seduce the married woman of your dreams.

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Women seeking older men often have to confront a lot of issues, including a stigma that could make them hesitant to talk about their new relationship.

Every time I meet a guy I’m interested in, I’m quick to text my single friends a gleeful, exclamation-point-filled message about him, and they are similarly quick to respond with heart-eyed emojis and tell me about their crushes. We don’t even need to see a pic of the hot person in question to give our enthusiastic approval.

So, it surprised me when a friend texted me “I have a crush, but please don’t judge me.” She was a younger woman lusting after an older man — nearly 20 years older than her. She talked about his good qualities in an apologetic, emoji-less way. Because of the age difference, she worried that even her friends would judge her, but she couldn’t deny the chemistry between her and this older man.

Sometimes the love bug hits you, and you can’t help pining after someone older or younger than you. Age gap romances have actually become more common nowadays thanks to online dating. The following dating sites support younger women who want to meet older men (and vice versa) and pursue their desires without restraint.


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We recommend Match as the overall best dating site for singles of all ages and backgrounds. Since 1995, this dating site has attracted singles who are looking for a serious relationship and marriage. Most Match members are more interested in deep compatibility than superficial attraction, and that’s why they’ve sought an alternative to the swipe-crazed dating apps out there.

Match has stood the test of time because its algorithm pinpoints important compatibility factors and introduces singles based on their date criteria. No swiping necessary.


Our expert ratings are based on factors such as popularity, usability, value, and success rate of each site.


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Our Experts Say:“OurTime is just for men and women who are 50 or older, and it's one of the most popular dating sites in this niche because of its size...” Full Review»

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OurTime has taken a page from Match’s playbook by putting shared interests first and foremost, but it has tailored its services to meet the needs of a more mature and marriage-minded crowd. OurTime is a premium senior-friendly dating site designed to help singles over 50 meet.

That doesn’t mean it keeps younger singles from joining the network, however. Anyone interested in meeting older gents can create a free account on OurTime and start browsing by age and location.

3. SilverSingles

Our expert ratings are based on factors such as popularity, usability, value, and success rate of each site.


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Our Experts Say:“SilverSingles caters to relationship-minded singles over 50 with simple, safe, and effective online dating tools...” Full Review»

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SilverSingles is another dating site geared toward the senior singles of the world. Unlike the OurTime network, SilverSingles only allows individuals over 50 to sign up. That means age gap romances formed here are usually between 50-somethings and 70-somethings. But, hey, young is in the eye of the beholder.

Singles over 50 can feel young again by going out with an older single who appreciates their vitality. SilverSingles uses a streamlined matchmaking process to help older men and women find the person who’s right for them.

4. BeNaughty

Our expert ratings are based on factors such as popularity, usability, value, and success rate of each site.


Relationships:Hookups, Chats

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Our Experts Say:“BeNaughty is a premier hookup app where you can feel comfortable expressing your desires. Plus, it's free to join, browse, and flirt...” Full Review»

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All Singles*
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Not all young women and older men are dating for keeps. Some just want to have their fun while they can and enjoy a short-term romance. BeNaughty was designed to help these daters get what they want with no muss and no fuss.

BeNaughty is a hookup site where singles don’t have to be ashamed of their naughty desires. The adult-friendly platform makes forbidden fruit easily accessible so sexy singles can find someone who appeals to them.

5. Adult Friend Finder

Our expert ratings are based on factors such as popularity, usability, value, and success rate of each site.


Relationships:Hookups Only

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Our Experts Say:“Make no mistake: this site isn't about making friends, it's about short-term 'hookups' and affairs only. Note that a basic account costs $14.95/month, but it's well worth it if casual sex is your goal...”

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User BaseGender RatioPopularity (Visits/Mo.)
All Singles*
25.5 Million*$14.95/Month

Adult Friend Finder encourages singles to unleash their wild sides and discover flirtatious dates within a couple clicks. This hookup site doesn’t require singles to make a big commitment to join the network. All they need to provide is a username, email address, and a few basic details.

AFF chat rooms are notoriously raunchy, so be prepared to move at a fast pace and engage in many sexually charged conversations here.

6. FriendFinder-X

Our expert ratings are based on factors such as popularity, usability, value, and success rate of each site.


Relationships:Hookups Only

Match System:Search by location, interest, more

Our Experts Say:“A hookup site specializing in casual encounters, secret affairs, live chats, and member videos, FriendFinder-X skips the awkward 'dating' stage of a relationship and fast-forwards straight to the sex...”

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Singles & Couples*
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Since 1996, FriendFinderX has featured the dating personals of singles and couples looking for straight-up sex. This dating site gives people the space to pursue their desires and live out their fantasies. Whether you’re dreaming of a sugar relationship, a threesome, or a one-night stand, you can enjoy a variety of sexual experiences thanks to FriendFinderX’s network. To use the words from the site, “You’re never too busy for a great sex life.”

7. SeekingArrangement

SeekingArrangement empowers smart, beautiful, and successful singles to seek a relationship on their terms. The sugar dating site facilitates mutually beneficial relationships. Its members know their worth and want a romantic partner who shares similar interests and goals.

While SeekingArrangement is open to rich women (aka sugar mommas), the majority of its female uses identify as sugar babies looking for a wealthy older guy to have some fun with.

SeekingArrangement doesn’t make singles feel bad for dating younger or older people.

Women vastly outnumber men on SeekingArrangement — there are four sugar babies for every sugar daddy — and they compete for wealthy dates who will treat them right. It’s free for women to sign up and chat, but men must invest in the site to reap its benefits. SeekingArrangement currently has over 10 million members in 139 countries, and it is still growing worldwide.

8. WhatsYourPrice

Since 2010, has made a splash in the online dating scene by allowing single men to bid on dates with single women. The sugar dating site’s goal is to facilitate as many first dates as possible and keep singles from wasting time chatting online. The online dating site cuts right to the chase and requires its members to invest in each other if they want to make a connection.

Over 2 million singles have joined What’s Your Price, which has seen over 4.8 million bids on first dates. Men have bid anywhere from $125 to $400 for the chance to actually meet someone they find attractive.

As a spokesperson for What’s Your Price said, “Our overall goal is to grow the footprint of the site and to take the stigma away from sugar dating and add more legitimacy to the lifestyle.”


Known as “the king of all sugar daddy dating sites,” is the perfect dating ground for younger women and older men. The site was named after sugar daddies, but it also welcomes sugar mommas and their admirers. Upon registration, new users can embrace their identity as a sugar daddy, a female sugar baby, a sugar momma, a male sugar baby, a gay sugar daddy, or a married person seeking an affair. offers sugar daters a free trial so they can see what’s out there.

New users can also set age or location parameters when creating a profile, and SugarDaddy will cater its matches and search results accordingly.

The dating website also has advanced search features to allow singles to find someone who’s exactly their type. doesn’t have a companion app, but it is mobile-friendly, so you can still access the network from your smartphone or tablet.

10. RichMeetBeautiful

Sigurd Vedal founded RichMeetBeautiful to enrich the lives of singles who have a lot going for them, but are missing a partner to share the wealth. RichMeetBeautiful uses smart matchmaking to introduce millionaires to beautiful, model-quality women. The dating site excels at pairing wealth and beauty, but it doesn’t support sugar dating.

RMB members are smart, successful, and attractive individuals in their own right, and they don’t need or want financial support. These singles are after an elite dating experience with someone who is on their level.

“Your life is yours and yours alone. So are your choices and decisions,” said Sigurd. “Don’t let anyone to stray you from your path. Here at RichMeetBeautiful, we are committed to our mission, which is to allow you to take the liberty of living on your own terms.”

11. SugarDaddyMeet

SugarDaddyMeet has over 3.1 million members, and over 1,000 singles join the sugar dating site every day, so it must be doing something right. You can use the traditional search filters to find profiles in your town, or you can join the discussion forums to get acquainted with the people online.

SugarDaddyMeet members are happy to share fun stories about their experiences sugar dating and give advice to newcomers seeking a date. It’s a supportive atmosphere where sugar daddies and sugar babies can learn the ropes.

The SugarDaddyMeet dating site has dozens of success stories to its name.

SugarDaddyMeet has a success story page to show the positive experiences and fruitful relationships that can come from online dating. Some members have made friends, found relationships, gotten married, and even started families thanks to this sugar dating site.

SugarDaddyMeet has the search tools to help young women find dateworthy older men online, and it’s worth checking out the network if you’re interested in sugar dating.

12. SugarDaddyCatch

SugarDaddyCatch has over 750,000 active members, and over 70% are young women who identify as sugar babies. The dating site allows women to pursue high-powered men willing to pamper them. Privacy is a top priority on SugarDaddyCatch, so the site doesn’t ask for personal details and doesn’t require users to use their full names while online.

Jessica L. said she was skeptical at first when she heard about SugarDaddyCatch, but she joined to see what it was all about. She was immediately impressed by how many messages she received in her inbox, and the first man she replied to ended up being her dream guy. “He has been just wonderful, and I think we have a good connection,” she said in her success story.


Since its launch in 2002, has promoted sugar dating and made a name for itself as a premium dating resource. Over 5 million singles have joined the dating site in search of a mutually beneficial relationship.’s testimonials speak to its success at pairing up high-caliber singles. is another resource for younger women seeking older men in the dating scene.

“I just want to say that I think that this is a very classy website,” said Ashlie in a review. “I respect the fact that you screen profiles and photographs. It not only ensures the individual’s safety, but it maintains your high standards.”

Non-members can browse for free, though they are limited to seeing only 100 profiles. If you want to use the online dating site’s search tools and have a conversation with a sugar daddy or sugar baby, you’ll have to create an account.

How Do I Attract a Younger Woman? How Do I Attract an Older Man?

Attracting a woman who’s younger than you can be tricky because you’re competing against singles in their 20s and 30s. It’s important not to emulate these youngsters but to make yourself stand out by being more mature, experienced, and charming than they could ever be.

“What I want from my sugar daddy is more than just money,” said a sugar baby in an anonymous post. “I want someone [who’ll] be there for me. A listener, a shoulder, and, most importantly, a friend.”

As a sugar baby, the attraction game is much more straightforward. These hot women can usually catch an older man’s eye easily enough, but then they have to make sure they have enough substance to hold his attention.

Why Do Younger Women Date Older Men and Vice Versa?

Sugar dating is pretty common in certain circles. All those dating sites we listed wouldn’t exist if younger women and older men weren’t drawn together for some reason. What is that reason? It differs for everyone. Some women are attracted to maturity because they’re tired of playing childish games with their dates. Some men think younger women will be easier to please than their exes were.

Some people cynically say sugar babies are only interested in the bottom line when they date an older guy, but many are also interested in the man attached to the wallet. They want a sugar daddy who will shower them with compliments as well as gifts. A lot of sugar babies want a man to treat them like gold and help them reach their goals in life.

Sugar dating can be a great confidence booster for men and women who know their worth.

Sugar daddies, too, are often interested in finding a girlfriend or a wife who is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. They’re attracted to young women who have a taste for the finer things in life and are willing to travel the world on a moment’s notice. Sugar daddies relish the opportunity to be a mentor for a young girl and open the door to new experiences and adventures.

“As a sugar daddy, you are in the honeymoon stage most of the time,” said an anonymous sugar daddy. “You get treated well, you get lots of romantic evenings, and you are seen as a savior of the women in distress and the facilitator of her better lifestyle.”

It makes sense and works out well for both individuals — that’s why it’s called a mutually beneficial relationship.

What are the Pros and Cons of Younger Women Dating Older Men?

Like everything, dating older men has its ups and downs. It’s not all champagne and trips to Paris, but it can be exactly what you need if you care enough to make it work. We’ll start with the good news. Here are the pros of dating an older gentleman:

  • He’s financially stable enough to spoil you.
  • He’s experienced in the ways of romance.
  • He’ll appreciate your youth and beauty.
  • He can take the lead and show you a great time.

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Older men know what they want and who they are, and that’s appealing to a lot of younger women. A mature relationship means you don’t have to play games or be coy asking for what you want. You can skip the drama and just have fun together. Of course, dating an older person has a few cons to balance out the pros.

  • He may not share your taste in movies, music, or food.
  • Starting a family together may be difficult.
  • His health may deteriorate as he gets older.

You may not always see eye to eye with someone significantly older than you. His life experiences are different, so he may not understand why you geek out over Harry Potter or maintain a vegetarian or vegan diet. He may not want to start a family with you because he already has children or doesn’t want to settle down. You may have to deal with an ex-wife or step-children who don’t accept your relationship or look down on you as a silly girl or even a gold digger.

And, finally, an obvious downside is that he probably won’t live as long as you will, and you may find yourself nursing an old man while you’re still in your prime.

Are There Any Statistics About Successful Younger Women, Older Men Relationships?

SugarBabiesOnline assessed over 20,000 sugar dating profiles across multiple dating platforms to discover trends in the dating scene. This in-depth research yielded insights into the ages, professions, and relationship goals of sugar daddies and sugar babies everywhere.

According to SeekingArrangement, 2.7 million students have become sugar babies to bolster their finances.

The study found that 87% of sugar daters are primarily interested in short-term relationships. The survey also showed that about one-third of sugar babies are students.

According to a recent SeekingArangement study, about 37% of college students would be willing to try sugar dating, while 7.4% of students have actually been in a sugar relationship previously.

SeekingArrangement ranked the colleges attended by its members in order of popularity and declared Georgia State University to be the top sugar baby academy of 2019. My alma mater, the University of Florida, came in at the #5 spot. You can see the concentration of SeekingArrangement members in your area by using the site’s Sugar Dating U.S. Hot Spots tool.

What Movies and Books Feature Younger Women Dating Older Men?

Many movies play out the fantasy of a wealthy older man taking an attractive younger woman under his wing and falling in love. “Pretty Woman” is probably the most iconic movie with this theme. Richard Gere is 18 years older than Julia Roberts, but that didn’t stop the then-40-year-old stud from getting the girl.

Released in 1942, “Casablanca” is a classic romance story involving an older man and younger woman.

In “Casablanca,” Humphrey Bogart was 43 when he successfully wooed the 27-year-old Ingrid Bergman, whom he affectionately called “kid.”

Bradley Cooper has paired up with younger ladies in many blockbusters, including “Silver Linings Playbook,” “A Star is Born,” and “He’s Just Not That Into You.” He has played the love interest for Jennifer Lawrence (16 years younger than him), Lady Gaga (12 years younger than him), and Scarlett Johansson (10 years younger than him).

Plus, in real life, Bradley is in a serious relationship with Irina Shayk, who is 11 years younger than him.

Other movies featuring age gap relationships include “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” “An Education,” and “Black Swan.” If you’re looking for a book about sugar dating, you should check out the “Fifty Shades of Grey” series. Seriously, it’s some steamy stuff.

Younger Women Can Attract Older Men With Ease Online

What To Woman Want To Read About You On A Hookup Site List

Age gap romances can receive criticism from people outside the relationship, but the heart wants what it wants. Sometimes the most compatible partners can be decades older or younger than one another.

Younger women seeking older men in the dating scene shouldn’t have to feel ashamed of their desire. My friend hesitated to follow her heart when she met a charming, witty, and kind man in his 40s, and she could have missed out on something great because she feared what people would say.

What To Woman Want To Read About You On A Hookup Site Website

Online dating empowers singles to boldly pursue their dream dates and build loving relationships. No matter how old you are, you can use older man dating sites to expand your horizons and meet successful, attractive, and interesting single men who are looking for a woman like you.

What To Woman Want To Read About You On A Hookup Site Page

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