1. What To Say In An Opening Message On A Dating Site Crossword Clue
  2. What Is A Good First Message On A Dating Site
  3. What To Say In An Opening Message On A Dating Site Called
  4. What To Say In An Opening Message On A Dating Site Crossword Puzzle
  5. What To Say In An Opening Message On A Dating Site Crossword Clue
  • Mar 22, 2020 When in doubt, gifs can make great opening lines on dating sites and apps. Line #10: “So I guess this means we’re exclusive now, right?;)” This is a great way to flirt and be playful in your opener. Line #11: “Anchorman was a great one — a classic, really. So what do we think about the sequel?
  • To find out, the dating site Plenty of Fish asked more than 1,000 people who had met their spouses online what their first message said. Your best bet: Mention something specific in her profile.
  • Dating apps can make it seem both harder and easier to start a conversation like that. It’s hard to reach out to someone knowing you’re both potentially attracted to each other, but the important thing is to remember that you should be yourself, be genuine, and not be creepy.

Trying to find the love of your life and live happily ever after aren't really laughing matters. But we can all agree that sometimes in life you just have to laugh at yourself, and for me, that absolutely applies to dating. Approaching your romantic adventures with a dash of humor might just be the way to find love, so you'd be wise to have a few funny opening lines to send on dating apps at the ready. Starting a conversation with a joke or a witty line not only sets the tone for fun banter, but it might also help you stand out from the crowd.

Jul 20, 2017 Just stopping by to say hello. I just had to say hi to you. How’s your day going so far? I hope you’re having a nice day Hi there, how are you? Just wanted to say hi! Hi, I hope you’re having a great day. Saw your profile and just had to say hi. Hey, what are you up to right now? Flirty/Funny Hellos.

It can be tempting to overthink the first message you want to send to a match, and you might find yourself either staring blankly at your phone or typing and then deleting a version of 'what's up?' over and over and over. It's tough to cram all your charm, personality, and attitude into one message, but your sense of humor is a massive part of who you are. Communicating your comic sensibility to your match will tell them a lot about you and also let them know that you're approaching dating apps with a grain of salt. You certainly don't have to be a comedian to score a date on an app, don't sorry. There's also a chance this person might not respond at all, so you might as well amuse yourself!

Why not start this entire interaction out with a little self-deprecation? Come on, it's healthy!

What To Say In An Opening Message On A Dating Site
  • 'I'm sugar (Stevia actually), spice (dash of social anxiety), and everything nice (but I will throw down if necessary.) Wanna party?'
  • 'I like long walks along the beach... and by beach I mean from my couch to my fridge.'
  • 'I still use my ex's Hulu log-in, and yes, I will gladly share it with you.'

It's always nice to ask people how they are... now take it a step further and get weird with it!

  • 'In your opinion, how many cats is too many cats? You know, for when we live together?'
  • 'Do you like being the smartest person in the room? If so, we can totally have phone sex.'
  • 'What was your last dream about and how did I look?'

Who doesn't love a totally strange message from a stranger about something completely random?

  • 'If you had to live a TV show, would you choose Riverdale or The Bachelor and why?'
  • 'I've listened to Ariana Grande's new song 17 times today. Thoughts?'
  • 'Hey, I haven't read the news since 2015 but I probably didn't really miss anything, did I?'

Clearly standing out from the crowd isn't going to be a problem if you start a conversation with a dash of humor ranging from witty to bizarre. Since you're so wonderful and unique, go ahead and get creative with introducing yourself to someone! Listen. I'm not guaranteeing you a perfect date, a flawless relationship, and your elusive happily ever after if you send these messages to a match on a dating app. But! Should it happen, feel free to send me a bottle of wine. Happy texting!

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Attractive women on Tinder don’t lack for choice. They can be uber selective when it comes to responding to first messages from interested guys.

The good news is you have a match you want to start a conversation with. The bad news is lame icebreakers like “Hey” aren’t going to cut it, and neither is “Hi, how are you doing?”

That’s probably why you’re looking for Tinder first message examples, right?

You’re about to get 12 examples that even the hottest local women won’t be able to resist.

You’ll also get some expert tips on what makes each icebreaker effective, so you can try your hand at writing some of your own!

Creativity In A First Message Gets You Noticed

… and boring gets you an empty inbox.

Your opening message is her first impression of you.

Tinder First Message Example #1:

If you don’t make a good one right out of the gate, she’s got zero incentive to believe things will improve if she decides to start a conversation with you by responding.

But when you ask her an imaginative question that’s actually fun to answer, the odds are much higher she’ll take the time to respond.

Tinder First Message Example #2:
Tinder First Message Example #3:

See why those Tinder conversation topics instantly stand out in an inbox that looks something like this?

On average, women in their 20s-30s log on to dating apps around 10 times a day, spending just under 8 minutes per session.

If your first message doesn’t immediately command her attention, you’re most likely going to get lost in the shuffle with all the other lame pick-up lines she gets on the daily.

The Art Of The Compliment

Tinder First Message Example #4:

You’ve probably learned the hard way messages starting a conversation with “Hey baby, nice [fill in the blank]” don’t work very well.

Attractive women generally know they’re attractive. They don’t need yet another guy pointing it out on Tinder.

Welcome remarks

Pairing a low-key compliment with an unexpected, funny question like in the example above is one way to go.

Or if she has a photo of her dog or cat in her lineup, you can give your message a surprising twist by focusing on her pet’s good looks, rather than hers.

Tinder First Message Example #5:

Or simply let her know your interest runs deeper than just her physical appearance. Invite her to share a story or something else about herself with you.

Here are 3 great questions you can send as a first message on Tinder:

The human brain is wired in such a way that it literally feels good to talk about yourself. So put science to work for you on Tinder!


When responding to your message makes her feel good, you’re that much closer to getting her number or a date.

GIFs Are Your Tinder Superpower

Few women are immune to the charms of an adorable puppy. Use that to your advantage on Tinder!

Simply pair a GIF of a puppy waving hello with your favorite Tinder icebreaker, and you’re golden.

With so many GIFs to choose from, it's easy to find one that ties in with your conversation starter.

And here's the real advantage of using a GIF to start a conversation:

If Tinder's internal data is to be believed, she's 30% more likely to respond to your message when it includes an animated element.


Here are 3 dynamite pairings:

GIFs are also a great way to revive a conversation that stalled, or to send as a playful follow up if she didn’t respond to your first Tinder message.

Some GIFs instantly convey your meaning, no message required:

Or you can pair a funny “reminder” message like this one with a superhero GIF:

Messages that make her smile are ideal in these situations. Showing off your sense of humor is one of the best ways to spark a connection.

Women are naturally attracted to guys they find funny, so making her laugh is a point in your favor.

If she doesn’t respond to your second message, it’s generally best to let it go.

If you’re *really* into her, send a third. But sending any more than that is a bad idea, since it puts you firmly into desperation territory.

Better to move on gracefully than force her to block you.

3 Common Mistakes That Will Sabotage Your Tinder Convo

Mistake #1: Not Keeping Up On The App

The last thing you want to do is send one of these great opening lines, then not check Tinder again for a few days.

If you got a response, you've likely already shot yourself in the foot.

Some studies have found that 93% of women only swipe right on the profiles they're attracted to. What better way to extinguish that spark than taking days to hold up your end of the conversation?

Considering you messaged her to begin with… that's not a great look.

It will be exponentially harder to climb out of the hole you just dug and convince her you're worthy of meeting in person.

That notion of not responding right away so you don't appear over eager are gone.

What To Say In An Opening Message On A Dating Site

So when should you respond to a message on Tinder?

These days, 89% of singles respond to a message on a dating app within 12 hours if they're interested – and that's a good rule of thumb to keep in mind.

If she's swiping on Tinder to find a relationship, showing that you're making yourself available and engaged in the process is a sure way to impress her.

Mistake #2: Not Asking A Question In Each Message

This is hands down the easiest way to keep a conversation going on Tinder, or any other dating app.

Your questions provide the direction – all she needs to do is answer you.

When you don't ask a question, you risk creating the equivalent of that awkward pause when neither person knows what to say next.

And the more she gets stuck on how to respond, the higher the risk that she won't.

It's good to have a couple of go-to questions mentally filed away that you can use in a pinch, because you won't find inspiration in every person's profile.

If you need some ideas, check out these great questions to ask a girl you like on Tinder.

Asking fun, creative questions is essential. 83% of singles agree that having a great conversation on a dating app can lead to better real life conversations.

What To Say In An Opening Message On A Dating Site Crossword Clue

First dates are stressful enough all ready, so anything you can do to boost your odds for success is worth the time, right?

Mistake #3: Not Paying Attention To Spell Check

Net speak and abbreviations are one thing, but outright misspellings and repeated grammar errors are an almost sure-fire way to turn her off.

And if you make mistakes in your messages repeatedly, she may decide she's not that interested in continuing the conversation in person.

It only takes a few seconds to proofread what you've written before tapping send.

The Easiest Way To Conquer Tinder

A recent study found that writing great messages was the biggest source of stress when it comes to dating apps.

These 12 Tinder first message examples are a great way to start the conversation. But to get the best possible results you need to figure out which of them work best for you.

A lot of factors are at play. Your Tinder pictures and bio have a huge impact, but there’s also the age of your matches to take into consideration.

A message that works for an early 20s college girl may induce an eye roll in a late 20s professional who’s looking for something more serious.

You can meticulously track each message you send and whether or not it worked, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

This simple worksheet will help calculate your response rate.

Or you can skip past the time consuming part, and just go on dates with high-quality women instead. VIDA’s team of Tinder experts will do everything for you, from choosing your most attractive photos to writing an attention-getting bio.

Our professional writers will even handle all the messaging! We’ve been outsourcing Tinder for guys like you since 2009, so we know what works – and what doesn’t.

What Is A Good First Message On A Dating Site

Why waste all that time figuring it out for yourself, when you could be going on dates with attractive, intelligent women instead?

What To Say In An Opening Message On A Dating Site Called

Click here to get started!

Hey, I'm Ally, VIDA Select's Director of Matchmaking.

What To Say In An Opening Message On A Dating Site Crossword Puzzle

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