So before your analyzing mind goes into overdrive, make sure that he is actually active and doesn’t just have some dormant profile up there. When you find your boyfriend is still on a dating site, you have two choices really. You can confront him or you can downgrade him and pull back from the relationship. If you know he’s got a job interview this week, send a text beforehand letting him know you’re rooting for him, then check in with him after to see how it went. One of the foundations of a loving relationship is support; when you show your partner that you’re there for him as his biggest cheerleader, he feels great. I’ve been dating a guy for a month, we slept together recently and said we’d be exclusive. However, he still goes on (this is how we met).I don’t know that he is necessarily doing anything bad, maybe just chatting with women to stroke his ego but it bothers me that he’s doing it.

Updated August 24, 2017 3:07 pm

If a woman is on a date with someone she’s not into, the guy can often tell by her body language, Tebb says.

Once I seen the photo and found he lied I blocked him for 4 days. We start talking again. He said he wanted to tell me something that might make me mad. He said he had joined a dating site. He joined this site after we split but only 1 day after saying he was not interested in dating or seeing other women. He said I was the only one.

“Her body language will be stiff,” Tebb points out. “They’ll also go to the washroom to use their phone.”

And if she’s not feeling the chemistry, she’ll make an excuse to leave.

“Women will sit there and listen to be polite but then say something like they’re tired or they have to get going because they have an early day the next day,” Tebb says. “I think women will still be attentive on the date but we’re not flirting as much – like smiling or batting our eye lashes or getting close to them. They’ll be a little more standoff-ish and guarded.”

Signs he’s not into you

The first sign that often signals when a man isn’t interested, Tebb says, is when he limits his communication.

“You’re always the one texting or contacting them,” she says. “They’re not really checking in daily, but maybe they’re checking in twice a week instead. And you always seem to be the one to text him first.”

In these cases, men are hoping women will get the hint, Tebb says.

“This is why women get confused,” she says. “They feel a date has gone well but then they’re left with no answers.”

According to Tebb, a guy will also not introduce a woman to his friends, or give her a peek inside his world if he doesn’t plan on taking the relationship to the next level.

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Guys won’t often organize the dates, and if they do they’re usually very casual.

“Guys who aren’t invested won’t plan any dates for you,” Tebb explains. “If they do, it’s more of a ‘Netflix and chill’ date. These guys will be more casual, like suggesting you go over to their place and you guys will order takeout. Whereas the guys that are more into you will actually plan dates, put in the time to get to know you before you guys get to the nitty gritty.”

If guys are on a date with a girl they’re not interested in, Tebb says they’ll often avoid eye contact and will look at other women.

“He’ll also look at the time and comment that he has other plans later,” Tebb says. “If you have a date you shouldn’t have back-up plans right after the date. If you have a date it should be for that evening. So guys will be casual about it and meet you for a quick coffee and if it doesn’t go well, they’ll have plans to go see their buddy. But that doesn’t really give the date a fair shot.”

What to do

If you’re left confused on where you stand with your date, the best thing you can do is to trust your gut, Tebb says.

“Trust your intuition and don’t be afraid to bring it up in a conversation,” Tebb advises. “I think men really value women who are open and honest, and there’s nothing wrong with showing a little vulnerability.”

And rather than outright asking point blank out of the blue about where they stand, Tebb says it’s best to word it in a way that’s playful and light.

For example, let the person know that other people have been asking you out but before you say yes, you’d like to figure out what the status of the current relationship is.

“It’s playful and they don’t feel the pressure,” Tebb says.


If their answer is on the fence or if you’re given the green light to date other people, then maybe it’s time to call it off.

© 2017 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.

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Ive been seeing this girl I met online for about two months. Things are going well and I want to be her boyfriend, but I still notice her logging into the dating site where we met. How can I get her to take her profile down without seeming too pushy?


Great question, Jason – one that affects everyone who dates online. The thing to realize is that you can’t change anyone else’s behavior. She’s gonna do what she wants to do, same as you are.

The best way to see this clearer is to flip the situation over. If some girl is into you, but you’re not into her, you’re gonna keep browsing online. Doesn’t mean you don’t want to see her, just means you’re looking to trade up. She’s Miss Right Now, not Ms. Right. However, if she refuses to be Miss Right Now and makes it clear that she’ll accept nothing less than a commitment, that’s okay. You’ll wish her the best of luck in her search and you’ll both move on to greener pastures. You have different needs, different goals, different perceptions – no reason for anyone to get hurt.

Went On A Date And He's Still Logging In To Dating Site Today

You’re the girl in this situation. And if you’re unsure of where you stand, the best solution is to bring this to the surface in a confident way. How do you do that?

Take down your profile. Unilaterally.

She’ll notice. She may even say something.

If she does, just let her know that you don’t want to see anyone else. She’ll either think that’s sweet and offer to remove her profile, or she’ll remind you that you’re just “seeing each other” and that she’s not ready to be exclusive. Either way, you have your answer.

The reason her profile is still up is basically one of the below:

Went On A Date And He's Still Logging In To Dating Sites

1) She’s playing it cool and trying not to act needy. She’s waiting for you to make a commitment to be a boyfriend.

2) She’s just not that into you.

Went On A Date And He's Still Logging In To Dating Site Video

I did this three years ago and it worked perfectly. Was dating two women casually. Met a third and was blown away. I dumped the first two and instantly took down my profile for #3. When #3 saw my profile was down, she asked me why. I told her, matter-of-factly that she was why. What’s the point of me looking for other people when I was into her? Of course, such an admission can be a little intimidating for someone you’ve known for a week.

Which is why I reassured her that she didn’t have to remove her profile. Removing my profile is what I wanted to do. And if she wanted to go out with twenty other JDate guys before taking her profile down, she could. As far as I was concerned, going on a bunch of dates would only reinforce why she should be exclusive with me. Yes, a little ego goes a long way.

Now if you take down your profile and she doesn’t say anything, you might want to step up your efforts to see her more. There are two possible scenarios: 1) she reciprocates in kind, and you become her boyfriend, and 2) she backs away, and you move on. No need to have an uncomfortable “Why is your profile up after two months?” conversation. Actions speak louder than words.

To sum up, the reason her profile is still up is basically one of the below:

1) She’s playing it cool and trying not to act needy. She’s waiting for you to make a commitment to be a boyfriend.

2) She’s just not that into you.

Went On A Date And He's Still Logging In To Dating Site Video

The latter is the more likely scenario. But you never know until you take action.

Went On A Date And He's Still Logging In To Dating Site 2017

The good thing is that there’s no downside to pushing things forward. Better to get an answer now than to wait another two months to find out where you stand.

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