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There are well over 1 million subreddits on Reddit. Out of all those subs there are thousands of NSFW and hookup subreddits on Reddit. With that many subs it can be daunting to find the ones that are worth following and even more tricky to find the ones that will get you some online hookups.

If you don’t already know, it’s quite simple to find the popular subs. All you need to do is navigate to your home page, type a keyword for what you are looking for in the search bar and when the results come up scroll down to the “Communities and User” section and click the “View More” blue text. Don’t forget to check the “Show NSFW” box in the top right corner so that NSFW listings come up. Under each sub you will see the number of subscribers. This will give you an idea of how many people are currently following that subreddit.

OK, that seems simple enough but that still doesn’t help me narrow down which Subreddits actually work for NSFW Casual Hookups Online. Well that’s where I can help.

Most Reliable Hookup Site - If you are looking for an online dating site, then try our service that so many have had success with. Reddit Dirty R4R – Best Free Hookup Site Boasting 500,000+ members, this particular site is one of the most popular and active dating sites users can find for free. Members can view profiles anonymously, and send private messages or post personal ads, and so on.

Below Are the Top 5 Hookup Subreddits that have proven to help me find hookups.

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#1 – r/Dirtyr4r

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This is by far one of the most popular subreddits to use for finding hookups. Currently there are over 138 thousand subscribers located all over the globe and at any given time there can be anywhere from 800 to 2000 people online browsing the posts. If you are looking for any type of cyber hookup and any kink you can imagine you can find it listed here. The only drawback to this subreddit is that it is global. Meaning you will have to tag your posts accordingly if you are looking for someone local. (I have a post about proper tagging and post titles coming soon!)

#2 – r/naughtyfromneglect

This one is second on my list because it has over 15.4 thousand subscribers. The good thing about this subreddit is that the competition is much lower than in r/dirtyr4r. There tends to be less posts and less people viewing those posts at any one time. This means the probability of a partner noticing your post is greater due to less abundance. Like the r/Dirtyr4r subreddit you need to add the proper tags in your header to find someone in your area.

#3 – r/(yourlocation)r4r

The reason i list this as my 3rd best option for online hookups is because it is specific to your location. You will have to do a search for your location and add r4r at the end. Not every city/region has its own r4r but due to its targeted viewers it’s worth doing the research to find an r4r in your area. r4r stands for “redditor for redditor”. Add your location to the beginning of the r4r search and you will get your local subreddit. These subs tend to be less graphic so its important your posts are naughty enough to get the point across of what you are looking for but not so dirty that it freaks people out.


#4 and #5 –r/ RandomActsOfBlowjob and r/RandomActsOfMuffDiving

I grouped these two together because they are both very similar. These subreddits are pretty self explanatory. Everyone on them is looking for one thing and one thing only, no strings attached oral encounters. They are both quite popular. RAOB currently has 158 thousand subscribers and RAOMD has 82 thousand. At any given time there can be about 1000 horny people flipping through posts on these subreddits. One of the good things about both of these subs is that they require you to tag your age and location in the title and they also have adequate search functions that making locating people within a given area much easier. Another noteworthy rule that both these subreddits have is that you can only make one post every 7 days. This is good because the subreddit doesn’t become flooded with the same person posting over and over.

OK, so there you have it, my TOP 5 Hookup SubReddits that will get you action today! If you know of any hookup subreddits that are better than the ones I’ve listed please let me and the Hooking Up Now community know by posting in the comments below.

For a more extensive list of Subreddits for Hookups check out this article:

Swear-words, curse and bad language in Japan

Here is a quite unassuming article to present some of the most commonly used insults in Japanese. Since the Japanese themselves may prove rather reluctant to teach you, you may not be able to learn the words directly from them.

Most of the insults in print manga are written in katakana (the writing system for foreign words). Please be warned that we have tried to provide English translations of matching coarseness … We do apologize for the uncouth language!

In Japanese, the word insult or swear-word translates as 侮辱 / bujoku.

  • baka 馬鹿 or aho アホ = idiot, stupid (may be used in an affectionate way in some contexts)
  • bakayarô 馬鹿野郎 = its coarser version, and its derivative kusoyarô クソ野郎 (asshole)
  • kuso 糞 = shit !
  • kusobaba 糞ばば = to insult a grand-mother / kusojiji 糞じじ = to insult a grand-father
  • chikushô 畜生 = fuck/damn it
  • the less polite versions of kimi 君 (you), such as teme テメ or kisama 貴様 (bastard)
  • yarô 野郎 or konoyarô この野郎 = jerk
  • urusai うるさい = literally means 'noisy', and is more or less equivalent to 'shut up !'
  • a much tougher version: damare 黙れ = shut your fucking face
  • onore 己 = mother fucker or kusotare 糞たれ = shit face
  • busu ブス = fucking ugly
  • and generally speaking, all imperative/prohibitive phrases and conjugations which are considered as extremely rude in Japanese... For example shine 死ね = die !

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Needless to say that as a rule, the Japanese do not often use insults in everyday language. Young people probably tend to use them more, although within limits, but most Westerners learn them in anime.

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After all that abuse, you may feel like saying “I love you” in Japanese!

Is Inyapants A Credible Hookup Site Reviews

By Kanpai Updated on September 09, 2020 - Posted on August 06, 2015 Insultes en japonais
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