I hope you enjoy reading this blog post.

Show, don't tell. When you are writing about who you are and how your live your life, be sure to show the reader what that looks like in action. You are trying to attract the right people to you, and to do that you need to be specific. For example, many people say in their profiles they like to travel. Getting your first online dating message started in the right way is extremely important. You want to sound friendly but not crazy. I would recommend starting out with a simple greeting telling the person hello, ask them how they are, and/or tell them your name. You may also want to say something that you found interesting about their profile. Create a great online dating profile that showcases you. They say that 'like attracts like,' so if. FIND THE PERFECT PHOTO. This doesn’t mean, “Choose the sexiest photo.”. The photo you post is the first thing that attracts someone to your profile–and it’s also the first indicator of your personality. In the online dating world, 49% of users say your physical characteristics are the most important piece of your profile. Successfully maneuvering through the sometimes murky waters of dating apps can definitely feel like a struggle. Unfortunately, figuring out what kind of relationship you're looking for is the easy.

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Since you're looking for short dating profile examples, you've probably realized short definitely doesn’t = easier.

Highlight a few attractive traits, build up some intrigue and attraction, make her want to swipe right or return your message… that’s a tall order for a small character count.

But if you want to meet the best women in your area, that’s exactly what your profile needs to accomplish.

These 13 short profile examples will make you irresistible, and you can find one to use on any app or site!

Instant Bonus:Get a downloadable version of The 10 Irresistible Profile Examples so you can copy & paste your way to more dates on any dating site or app you choose.

But before you get started…

Steal This Trick From Pro Dating Profile Writers!

Jot down a list of hobbies you have, especially those you'd like to share with your ideal partner.

Also write down the traits you possess that your perfect match is probably looking for in a man, and a few thoughts about what you love about your job.

For example, your profile writing cheat sheet may look like this:

Having that information visible in front of you makes the profile writing process a bit easier. You can use it to customize one of these good profile examples!

Specific details make your profile seem more genuine, and that's important. A recent study revealed 84% of online daters want to see more authenticity.

Dr. Cortney Warren, a clinical psychologist who offered commentary on the results, said the majority of singles want honest, straight-forward information in profiles.

One of the most important findings in the study is that singles are not interested in seeing an idealized depiction of potential partners through edited photos and unrealistic positive self-descriptors. The truth is, singles want more honest, authentic depictions of others and themselves on dating apps. A more realistic portrayal of each individual will not only be refreshing, but also lead to more meaningful connections.

Super Short Online Dating Profile Examples

On some apps like The League, your bio has a 140-character limit. That means you’ve got a couple sentences max to make a good impression, which is crucial if you want a shot at meeting her in person.

Super Short Profile Example #1:

You don’t have enough space to tell, so you need to show why you’re a good catch. (Professional profile writers generally take this approach with an online dating profile of any length, by the way, since it makes your profile more attractive to daters.)

Super Short Profile Example #2:

Pick a few traits that illustrate why you’re a good catch, and roll with those.

In A Dating Site What Should I Say In The Looking For Box Book

Super Short Profile Example #3:

Occupation = financial stability, active hobby = physically fit and adventurous, travel = good times together… get the picture?

Super Short Profile Example #4:

Emoji are a great space-saving option when you're trying to express a lot of ideas in a short amount of space.

Just don't use so many that it gets conceptually hard to follow. A few emoji go a long way.

Choose Words Women Connect With

Women resonate with some words more than others in a dating profile.

For instance, Wired magazine found these were the 7 most attractive active hobbies for guys:

  1. Surfing
  2. Yoga
  3. Skiing
  4. Golf
  5. Biking
  6. Hiking
  7. Running

If you’re a vegetarian or a vegan, mention it – on Elite Singles, you'll get up to 73% more messages than the average user. No reason to think it wouldn't work the same way on any other dating app…

And, as it turns out, nice guys are back in fashion. Using these “power” words in your online dating profile get you more messages:

Remember, the shorter your dating profile is, the more impact each word has. You need to make yourself sound like an intriguing person, not like every other guy out there:

Most dating app profiles display your first name. Don’t waste valuable real estate repeating it in your bio.

300 Character Or Less Online Dating Profile Examples

On CoffeeMeetsBagel, your profile is a little longer – but 276 characters max still isn’t much real estate.

Make every word count with a profile like…

Short Dating Profile Example #5:

This bio hits a lot of high notes in a small amount of space, which makes it perfect for an app like Bumble.

Short Dating Profile Example #6:

And you could use a profile like this for the “Self Summary” section of sites like OkCupid or Elite Singles…

Short Dating Profile Example #7:

You can also get creative in your dating app profile, as long as you make sure the humor lands.

In A Dating Site What Should I Say In The Looking For Box Office

Short Dating Profile Example #8:

Here's another funny short bio you can use for inspiration.

Short Dating Profile Example #9:

When you’re choosing a profile style, keep these 3 factors in mind:

  1. Your age
  2. The age of your “ideal partner”
  3. What type of relationship you’re seeking

A woman in her 20s who’s looking for a more casual relationship will likely respond better to the type of humor in the last profile example than a woman in her late 30s looking for something serious would.

On the other hand, if you’re a 35+ guy looking for a serious relationship, choose a profile like the second example.

The more down-to-earth approach will attract women who are looking for an established, successful man.

If you want to use one of these examples for a section of a longer online dating profile on a site like OkCupid, simply move the call-to-action to the end of your profile.

That’s the line at the very end that tells her what to do next, i.e. message you or swipe right.

Short Dating Profile Example #10:

Asking a question, like in the examples above, is also a good CTA.

It takes all the pressure off her to decide what to say in her first message to you – all she needs to do is simply answer the question, and you can take it from there.

Try it on an app like Bumble, where a man can't initiate the conversation with a woman.

PRO TIP: A dating profile should make you look and sound like a great catch, but bragging about yourself isn’t hot. Instead, let another source do it for you. This technique is called “high warranting/low self-representation”, and it’s the most attractive way to approach dating profile writing.

For instance, rather than writing that you’re an awesome photographer, link your Instagram to Tinder or Bumble so she can draw that conclusion on her own.

500 Character Or Less Dating Profile Examples

This character limit is perfect for apps like Tinder, or on sites like Match.com or PlentyOfFish if you want to keep your profile short and sweet.

The same rules apply as in the other good dating profile examples for guys you've seen.

Highlight a couple of your most compelling traits…

Short Dating Profile Example #11:

Keep the tone casual, engaging and positive…

Short Dating Profile Example #12:

And use humor in an attractive way.

Short Dating Profile Example #13:

Why Short Dating Profiles Are Successful (When Done Right)

The longer your dating profile is, the more chances you have to inadvertently turn her off.

Here are 5 common profile mistakes guys make that *really* stand out in short dating profiles:

#1: Writing A Boring List
Whether it’s a list of adjectives to describe yourself or your top 5 hobbies, reading a bunch of words separated by commas just isn’t very compelling.
#2: Using Bad Grammar/Spelling/Etc

Misspelled words and poor (or no) punctuation stand out like a sore thumb in short dating profiles.

You may think ignoring your phone’s spell check is no big deal, but it’s a turn off for her. A whopping 88% of women judge a potential date by their grammar, and putting effort into your dating profile shows you’re serious about meeting someone.

#3: Being Too Honest

While there are a few select spots where it’s okay to fudge a bit in your dating profile, honesty is generally the best policy.

But *too much* of it is a bad thing.

Anything that hints at past drama or throws up an immediate red flag should not be included in your profile. “Heavy” topics are best addressed in person, when you’ve already gotten to know each other a bit.

Knowing what you should – and shouldn't – include can be tricky, which is why many guys hire a profile writing service.

#4: Focusing On The Negative

Whether you're expounding on what you don't like, don't want, don't appreciate in a date, or hate about the dating app, what you probably are doing is turning her off.

Negativity, particularly coming from someone you don't know anything about yet, is not very attractive and has no place in your profile.

#5: Making Her Think You're A “Project”

Competition is already fierce, and most girls aren't consciously looking for a guy who needs a little fixing up or encouragement.

Even if you do need someone to draw you out of your shell or help you find love again, stick with mentioning positive attributes in your profile.

Get Ready For More Matches and Messages

These 13 short dating site bio examples really work – you’ll be getting more matches and messages in no time.

But what if you could get even better results, without spending endless amounts of time swiping or struggling to write the perfect message?

After all, having an irresistible profile is just the beginning.

There’s a lot of competition for the highest quality women, no matter what site or app you’re on. That means it's not just about your bio – you need to bring your A game to every aspect of online dating, from your photos to your profile to your messages.

Instant Upgrade:Download your free copy of our indispensable guide to looking your best online. The Photogenic Man reveals surefire secrets for appearing twice as attractive on all your favorite sites and apps.
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Try not to jump to conclusions.

Originally Published:

The convenience of dating apps and the massive amount of people you can meet on them have changed the dating game forever. But with all the good dating apps can do, they can also make life hella complicated. Say, for instance, you're going about your happily coupled-up life when you discover your partner is still on a dating app, even though they're in a monogamous relationship with you. ~Record scratch.~ You're probably wondering what the person you believed to be very much off the market is doing swiping left and right.

In a case like this, Eric Resnick, a professional dating profile writer and online dating coach, tells Elite Daily you shouldn't panic. According to research by student loan marketplace LendEDU, a significant portion of young people use Tinder as a distraction or confidence boost, rather than to actually meet someone. Your girlfriend or boyfriend popping up on the dating app could just be a result of their desire for external validation. Although, another study by Statista Research Department on motivation for all dating apps, not just Tinder, found that the majority of users were there to find a romantic partner. The same study also revealed that 6% of users reported using the apps to cheat on their partners. So, without assuming the worst, you do have valid reason to be concerned.

Nevertheless, get to the bottom of things and ask your partner why they're still on a dating app when they're clearly in a relationship. Here's what experts suggest to do if you find your girlfriend or boyfriend on a dating site.

Why Your Partner Might Be On A Dating App

So, you caught your partner on a dating app. Whether you found out through a friend who found them or a spontaneous swiping spree of your own, it’s important to keep an open mind and not jump to the worst conclusions. As Julie Spira, online dating expert and author of Love in the Age of Trump: How Politics is Polarizing Relationships, tells Elite Daily, there may be a handful of reasons why they're popping up.

“[It could be that] they deleted their profile from their phone but didn't deactivate it,” she says. “This falls into the category of digital housekeeping. Not everyone knows exactly how to permanently delete a dating profile. I've even seen profiles of people who were happily married who had no idea their profile was still lingering on a dating app. If this is the case, your partner should download the app again, and together, change the settings to delete the dating app instead of just removing it,” she explains. Your girlfriend or boyfriend could very well be on dating apps because of an innocent oversight.

It could also be what Resnick suggested: They're just looking at profiles with no intention of engaging. But Spira says this behavior could be a bad sign when it comes to the ongoing health of your relationship. “This activity probably means they're questioning your relationship [or] wondering who else is out there,” she explains. “This is a form of emotional cheating, but it isn't the end of the world. If this is the case, it's time to communicate about what your partner likes about your relationship and address areas that could be improved.”

If your partner is 'actively matching, chatting, and meeting others behind your back,” Spira says this can be considered cheating 'unless you've agreed to an open relationship.” Ultimately, there's only one way to determine which of these scenarios you’re dealing with: Talk to them about it.

How To Process Your Feelings About It

What to do if you find your partner on dating apps will depend largely on the nature of your relationship. “Are you still in that getting-to-know-you phase, or have you become exclusive?' Resnick asks. 'If it's the former, just let it be. You haven't committed to each other, and what they do isn't your business.” If it still bothers you, Resnick says you may want more from the relationship, and it may be time to talk to the person you're dating about where you stand. “If you decide that it's time to go exclusive, then you can ask if they are still on any dating sites,' he suggests. 'It is not uncommon for people in a relationship to ceremonially delete their dating accounts together.”

If you're already exclusive and find your partner's online dating profile is still active, Diana Dorell, intuitive dating coach and author ofThe Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again, says having an honest conversation about what you found is important. “Decide what you want to do about it. If you want to keep the relationship, then a calm, cool approach is best,” she tells Elite Daily.

One tactic all the experts say to avoid is catfishing. Don’t make a fake profile just to try messaging your partner and seeing if they respond. “No one wants to be with a partner who's a stalker, and before you start accusing your steady beau of cheating, you should try to find out what's going on,” says Spira. “Know that if you create a fake profile to catch them in the act, you can kiss your relationship goodbye.”

How To Approach Your Partner

Once you've taken a deep breath and feel ready to talk to your partner, Dorell suggests considering what you want to achieve with the conversation so you can be intentional in your approach: “Decide what it is you want. Is it to feel heard? For them to admit it so you don't feel crazy? To break up?' Before making any sort of accusations, she suggests gathering evidence. Screenshots or their open dating app profile work here.

Spira says to be direct. “If you've agreed to be exclusive, and you've both taken down your profiles, I recommend you say the following: ‘My friend [insert name] was swiping right on Tinder, and somehow she got matched with you.’ Then show your partner the screenshot and button your lips because it's time to listen to the explanation,' she says.

Dorell agrees it's essential to give your partner plenty of space to respond. “Pay attention to your intuition. You'll know if they are lying because your body will tell you,' she explains. 'Your job in this conversation is to get to the truth, and that's something you'll know within you. Then, you can decide what you want to do next.”

In A Dating Site What Should I Say In The Looking For Box

In A Dating Site What Should I Say In The Looking For Box 7

Ultimately, it will be up to you and your partner to determine what happens next. Maybe they'll log in, delete their profile once and for all, and you can proceed as you were. On the other hand, you might decide to go your separate ways and move on. The key is to trust your intuition and do what feels right for you.

“If you find out your partner has a second life on a dating app, know that you're not alone,' says Spira. 'It takes a few minutes to create or reactivate a dating profile, and if you're not their one-and-only, about 50 million plus other singles are waiting to meet you.” Hang in there, you've got this.

Studies referenced:

How often do millennials start dating due to tinder? LendEDU. (2020, April 6). Retrieved September 28, 2021, from https://lendedu.com/blog/tinder-match-millennials/.

Published by Statista Research Department, & 28, J. (2021, June 28). Most popular reasons for users in the United States to use online dating websites or apps as of May 2021. Statista. Retrieved September 28, 2021, from https://www.statista.com/statistics/976189/reasons-why-adults-use-dating-websites-apps-usa/.


Eric Resnick, professional dating profile writer and online dating coach

Julie Spira, online dating expert and author of Love in the Age of Trump: How Politics is Polarizing Relationships

Diana Dorell, intuitive dating coach and author of The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again

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