I just made a thread about meeting people here and got a lot of great ideas to try but also some comments and messages that seemed very discouraging. I did a quick search here and it seems like there have been quite a few people complaining about this in the past.

Ann arbor map

Got a job offer in AnnArbor, is it a good place for singles? I'm coming from Minnesota, and honestly. I failed to obtain any friends despite living here all my life, I'm debating between raleigh in NC and AnnArbor. The Dirty Mitten: R4R Michigan Dating and Sex Dating and sex in the dirtiest of states. Hookups and sexual exploits encouraged (safely). Covering all of Michigan: Detroit, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor, Traverse City, even the sexy UP.

Dating In Ann Arbor Site:www.reddit.comMapsAnnDating in ann arbor site:www.reddit.com women

Honestly this seemed like a pretty young, fun, and vibrant mid sized city to me so I was a little shocked and worried by all the negativity. Is it really true that social life and dating for young people are worse here than other cities or are the complainers just full of shit?

Really sorry to trouble you guys again, but I guess if there's an actual problem here I'd rather now as soon as possible so I can act accordingly. I really love the culture here and the cool small-midsized city vibe (Chicago always felt too big to me) but I'd rather not spend my 20s in an area that's working against me socially.


I have a friend. She is straight woman and I am a gay man. We are trying to meet single people in Ann Arbor, but we don't know how to go about doing it?

Dating In Ann Arbor Site:www.reddit.com Women

If we go out together, sometimes people assume we're dating. We want to do this together, though.

We don't like going to clubs.

Are there singles mixers (gosh that sounds kind of sad) in Ann Arbor? Any suggestions?

EDIT: why would you downvote this? Did I break the rules of the subreddit? Is it a bad post? At least leave a comment with your downvote so I know what to change in the future.

Dating In Ann Arbor Site:www.reddit.com 2019

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