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As a provider of administration services for businesses and private clients around the world, the Channel Islands-based Hawksford could hardly be expected to be in the vanguard of hybrid working. Yet, as Richard Summerfield, who joined as chief people officer in July 2020, explains, the business saw the changes in working methods forced on it by the pandemic as an opportunity to re-assess how it operated and what it expected from its employees in terms of attendance. He says, having 100% of the workforce operating from home taught him and his colleagues “a lot about what is possible with remote working and what you need to do, and also what is important about the office.”

Like many organizations, Hawksford carried out a survey of the 170-odd employees in the Jersey headquarters and found — again like many others — that most people would prefer to work some combination of remotely and in the office. In Hawksford’s case, breaking down of the data led to the conclusion that on a typical day two-thirds of the workforce might be expected to be in the office. With a break in the lease on its building offering the opportunity to reduce its space, the company freed up a third of what it had previously occupied at a saving of £300,000 a year. However, rather than just saving this money, the business’s new owners immediately made available what they would save over six years (£1.8 million) to be spent on a total refit of the office to accommodate new ways of working. In the words of Summerfield, the office that opened in August “could not have been more different from the old one.”
In place of traditional offices, there are no fixed spaces for anybody — the leadership is out on the floor with everybody else — and instead there are 62 hot desks bookable through technology and 13 different meeting rooms. In total, says Summerfield, there are up to 80 different collaboration spaces where the seating ranges from sofas and first-class aircraft cabin-type seats to more traditional arrangements. There is even a choice of seats for the hot desks and all working spaces can be booked in increments of 10 minutes so that individuals do not have to spending a whole day in one place. The new design can accommodate having up to 90% of the staff in the office at once, although the realization that certain types of work are better done at home or elsewhere, leaving the office for meetings, collaboration and the like means that that proportion is not typical. The Hawksford investment did not stop with the office design. It has equipped everybody with the latest Microsoft laptops and related equipment and also given them £250 each to spend on furniture, broadband upgrades or whatever they need to improve their home-working conditions while also carrying out health and safety assessments to ensure that employees can work equally well wherever they are. In addition, paper has almost entirely been done away with so that staff do not have to carry extensive files back and forth. “Technology is a big part of getting this right,” adds Summerfield.
He reports that the response has been overwhelmingly positive, with younger staff especially impressed with the flexible space. He is already seeing signs that it aids recruitment and retention. But he says he is “really heartened” by a few examples of older employees who have worked for the company for some time and “have found a new lease of life” through changes that have made them feel more central to the operation.
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Alongside the design and technology changes, Hawksford has also gone through something of a culture change. Summerfield says managers are empowered to create ways of working that suit their team members — so long as client service is not compromised. The result, he says, is that there is “no such thing as presenteeism.” Summerfield admits that it is a leap of faith to put so much trust in managers, but he says that communication is vital and acknowledges that managers will have to develop new skills when those for whom they are responsible are not necessarily in front of them. But so far the results are encouraging enough that Hawksford is looking at spreading the idea to its other locations around the world.

While dramatic, the changes introduced by Hawksford tie in with the findings of recent research by the Rewards and Employee Benefits Association and Mercer Marsh Benefits. According to the report Technology change is business change, more than half of employers are planning extensive organisational transformations in the next two years.Many see the importance of ensuring their workforces have the right skills to build sustainable organisations fit for the future, with more than half having already brought in key people to drive change and nearly as many planning to do so over the coming years. In terms of physical workplaces and premises About two-fifths of employers plan to scale back the use of workplaces and other premises, while just under a half are looking to expand flexibility around when employees work.
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The signs are that office working — which, after all, has not been with us all that long — is going through a revolution that will not stop with an end to the pandemic. There is no going back.